Let’s Get Sexty! : An Intervention on Sexual Communication During Fertility Treatment
But what happens when sex stops feeling sexy?
When it stops feeling like fun and starts feeling like work? During fertility treatment, women often complain that sex feels like a burden. Although life seems to revolve around sex, it isn’t sexy. It isn’t fun. But what if there is a simple way to feel more connected to your partner?
Let’s Get Sexty! is a research study that will examine the relationships between infertility, sexual communication, sexual satisfaction, and intimacy among women going through fertility treatment. Women who agree to participate will be asked to complete two assessments over the course of 16 weeks and to watch one 15-minute video after the first assessment. Overall, each assessment will last about 45-60 minutes.
This research is approved by the Institutional Review Board at Drexel University and is being conducted by a researcher who is a member of Drexel University. If you have any questions about this study, please call 215-585-2995.